You make some excellent points about how cost drives selectivity. Although I haven't given the whole "free internet" thing very much thought, two points come to mind right away:

1) Substack in particular seems guilty of overhyped its own product to writers. But at ~50-60 $ per subscription, the whole Substack ecosystem seems unsustainable. That's the price of a subscription to a print magazine, which would give you access to a dozen or so writers. I am not able to afford subscriptions to as many s

Substack writers as I would like to support. Perhaps the way forward is micropayments?

2) it is, perhaps, time for enterprising individuals to poach good writers from the free internet and hire them to write for the new generation of print magazines. The blogosphere is a good place to sharpen ones skills as a writer, but at a certain point it becomes time to graduate to the next level.

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Bringing a little life to Deadwood, eh?

In cases that have successfully been out west, as it were, I agree. If you have a claim to sell and stories to tell, it might be speakeasy time.

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