Incredible work as always. The term ‘thought-provoking’ has been worn out through overuse but it genuinely applies in this case.

You’re really building something here.

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High and coveted praise. 🙏

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As my time on twitter comes to an end, my focus will be on leaving people complimentary (and true) substack comments instead. Seems a more charitable and meaningful method of socialising and even ‘networking’


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He has passed into the realm where we dare not (yet) follow.

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Loved this. First thing that came to mind is this book (which I haven't read but was recommended by a friend, perhaps the height of pretentiousness recommending books you haven't read?!) https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/feb/11/pretentiousness-why-it-matters-dan-fox-review

The author makes the case that preteniousness and acting above or outside our station is how we become better versions of ourselves.

"All art aspires to something it cannot achieve. All art is pretentious. And that is a good thing." as the author of the article here says.

Wonderful way of looking at things, anyway. I need to remind myself regularly that I am not in fact a pure Retvrn to Traditionalist and although I abhor much of the direction of appification of life and modernity, in practice and belief I am somewhat of a metaverse advocate (being an online writer and member of the STSC, for example). Pieces like this remind that the future is forward but that there's honest and healthy directions we can go. Nice one.

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Thanks Gav, sounds like I need to add it to The Stack!

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